Ingredients 10 Kgs pork trim 75/80% lean ( That means 75/80% meat and 20/25% fat If you are making only 5kgs of sausages, just cut the ungredients down by half. 3 x onions chopped finely 2 capsicum chopped finely 80 gms salt 70 gms crushed garlic 20 gms cayenne pepper...
Ingredients 10 kgs Pork trim 75/80% lean (That means 75/80 % meat and 20/ 25% Fat) If you are only making 5 kgs of sausages just cut the ingredients down by half 40 gms ground black pepper Corns ( Medium Grind ) 50 gms salt 70 gms crushed garlic 50 gms sugar 10 gms...
Ingredients 10 kgs Pork trim 75/80% lean (That means 75/80 % meat and 20/ 25% Fat) If you are only making 5 kgs of sausages just cut the ingredients down by half 6 tablespoons macadamia nuts (crushed) 2 tablespoons dried rosemary 35 gms ground black pepper 70 gms salt...
Ingredients 10 kgs Pork trim 75/80% lean (That means 75/80 % meat and 20/ 25% Fat) If you are only making 5 kgs of sausages just cut the ingredients down by half 100gms Salt 3 cups brown sugar 75 gms ground black pepper Curing salt (use supplier recommended amount for...
Ingredients 10 kgs Pork trim 70% lean (That means 70 % meat and 30% Fat) If you are only making 5 kgs of sausages just cut the ingredients down by half 60gms Salt 2 teaspoons dried marjoram 1 tablespoon mustard seed (ground) 20 gms allspice 50 gms crushed garlic 45...
Ingredients 10 kgs Lamb trim 75/80% lean (that means 75/80 % meat and 20/ 25% fat) If you are only making 5 kgs of sausages just cut the ingredients down by half 6 tablespoons mint leaves chopped 70 gms ground black pepper 70 gms salt 3 tablespoons finely grated lemon...